AstroVish can assist and guide you through a range of obstacles that you may be facing, be it financial related, heath related, education, or even to help direct the cosmic energies in your favour. Just some of the areas that AstroVish focuses on.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, is a time-honored and ancient system of astrology that traces its roots to the ancient Indian scriptures, specifically the Vedas.

Your birth chart, or horoscope, is a personalized cosmic map that outlines the positions of the planets at the time of birth, and is believed to unveil insights into your character, relationships, career, and destiny, Iemploiying concepts such as Nakshatras and Dashas to provide a detailed and nuanced analysis of your life events.

Whether seeking clarity on personal matters, financial matters or navigating significant life decisions, consult AstroVish to get profound insights and a deeper understanding of the cosmic forces shaping your destiny. AstroVish combines ancient wisdom with modern insights to provide clients with valuable guidance and a roadmap for a more fulfilling life journey.

Astro Vaastu


Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural and design philosophy, aims to create environments that align with the natural forces and cosmic energies, fostering balance, prosperity, and well-being.

By adhering to Vastu principles, you can seek to enhance various aspects of life, including health, relationships, and financial prosperity, by emphasizes the importance of specific directions for different activities within a home or workplace, ensuring optimal energy flow and a harmonious living or working environment.

AstroVish brings a blend of traditional wisdom and contemporary insights to guide you in creating spaces that resonate with positive energies. Whether you are designing a new home, office, or seeking to harmonize existing spaces, our Vastu consultations offer personalized recommendations for a balanced and prosperous living experience.

Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology

The positions of planets and their aspects at the time of a person’s birth can influence their constitution, vulnerabilities, and potential health issues. The astrological birth chart, also known as the natal chart, serves as a kind of a blueprint which outlines the unique energy imprints influencing an individual’s life journey, including their health.

Interpreting the planetary positions, their aspects and transits basis the birth chart can provide crucial information about potential health tendencies and susceptibilities. Understanding these planetary influences allows AstroVish to provide valuable guidance on preventive care and lifestyle adjustments.

Consult AstroVish to get an insight into your periods of vulnerability, potential health challenges, or opportunities for healing and wellness, and stay on the path to holistic wellness